Gazco eStudio Cerreto 140 wall mounted electric fire suite Best Wall Mounted Electric Fires for Spectacular Ambience

Best Wall Mounted Electric Fires for Spectacular Ambience

Discover the effortless charm and innovative simplicity of wall mounted electric fires - the perfect heating solution for modern homes without chimneys. In this blog post we explore the benefits of choosing a wall mounted electric fire for your home.

In the rapidly evolving world of interior design and home comforts, the installation of a zonal heating system that is both effective and stylish can often seem a daunting task, especially in modern built homes that lack traditional architectural features like a chimney. However, wall mounted electric fires present a seamless and sophisticated solution to transform a simple flat wall into a feature, perfectly complementing the contemporary aesthetics of new build properties, which frequently do not include a chimney as part of their design.


Why choose a wall mounted electric fire?

Wall mounted electric fires offer a host of benefits to those who choose to incorporate them into their home:

Effortless Installation

One of the standout benefits of wall mounted electric fires is their ease of installation. Unlike traditional fireplaces that often require a chimney or flue to ventilate, electric fires are plug and play wherever there is an electric socket. What’s more, installation is as simple as hanging the fire on the wall using the included bracket, allowing handy homeowners to save on installation costs by carrying out the work themselves.

Gazco eStudio Arosa 140 wall mounted electric fire suite

Ideal for a range of spaces

With such ease of installation, wall mounted electric fires can be utilised in a range of spaces to introduce cosy ambience. From inset electric fires which can be wall mounted and boxed in for the bespoke look, to the ease of a complete wall mounted electric fire suite like the Gazco Arosa or Cerreto 140, the possibilities are endless.

Gazco eReflex 55RW wall mounted electric fire

Space-Saving and Stylish

Beyond their practical installation advantages, wall mounted electric fires are incredibly space-efficient. These units are fixed directly onto the wall, eliminating the need for hearths or mantels, saving space which is often at a premium in smaller or more compact living areas. This mounting style also creates a modern minimalist centrepiece that can act as a central feature or a subtle addition, depending on the design chosen.

Onyx Fusion 150RW electric fire

Of course, if you’re looking to achieve a more bespoke integrated look, then a slim wall mounted electric fire like the Onyx Fusion electric could be a solution. The slimline depth of this premium electric fire allows it to be housed within a bespoke enclosure, faux chimney breast, or media wall with far less protrusion into the room than with other electric fires, or a conventional chimney breast.

Safe and Clean Heating

Safety and cleanliness are paramount in any home heating system, and wall mounted electric fires excel in both these areas. Providing realistic flame visuals and lighting effects, with none of the safety considerations of a real fire, electric fires are a particularly attractive option for families with young children or pets. Additionally, cleaning and maintenance are greatly simplified, with no need to empty ash or clean glass; simply dust the fire with a lint free duster as often as needed to keep it looking its best.

Gazco eReflex 150RW wall mounted electric fire

Versatile and Energy Efficient

Wall mounted electric fires not only offer aesthetic flexibility but are also beneficial from an energy efficiency perspective. They can be operated independently of the central heating system, allowing homeowners to heat only the space being used, which can lead to significant energy savings. Furthermore, with a variety of designs ranging from ultra-modern to more traditional looks, wall mounted electric fires can fit any interior design scheme, enhancing the property’s appeal while providing functional, efficient heat.

Onyx Avanti 110RW Milazzo suite wall mounted electric fire and optional Luxury Logscape

Transform your home with a wall mounted electric fire

For homeowners and developers alike, wall mounted electric fires represent a fusion of functionality, simplicity, and modern design, making them a perfect addition to new build properties without chimneys. Their ease of installation, coupled with their style and efficiency, positions them as an exemplary choice for anyone looking to enhance their living environment while keeping installation simple and straightforward.

Whether upgrading an old property or finishing a new one, a wall mounted electric fire is a smart, stylish choice that meets the demands of contemporary living. Ready to transform your space? Get in touch with your local expert retailer to explore all your options.

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Posted by on April 16, 2024

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