We have had so many beautiful and inspirational real life stories of homeowners with a Stovax wood burning stove in their home. Here are some of this year's case study stories so far. If you would like to share your hearth warming moments with us, get in touch!
We approached Jack & Rachel on Instagram @victorianterracerenovation because we fell in love with their Stockton 5 wood burning stove installed in their Victorian terrace home. With a smaller Stockton stove in Aberdeenshire, Jack ad Rachel felt a Stovax Stockton was the obvious choice for when they eventually bought their new place in Wigan. They have been renovating their home since April 2017 wanted to maintain the original features of their Victorian property.
Read more about Jack & Rachel’s case study.
Follow their Instagram account for home updates: @victorianterracerenovation.
Another stunning Victorian home featuring our Huntingdon 25 wood burning stove is documented in Elizabeth’s Instagram account: @victorianhouse1896. Her eclectic home features original pieces reflecting the Victorian era with some contemporary elements, essential for modern day living. Elizabeth enjoys researching about the history of homes and the families that once occupied the place.
Read more about Elizabeth’s case study.
Follow their Instagram account for home updates: @victorianhouse1896.
One of expert retailers Siberian Stoves shared with us their beautiful installation of our Studio 2 wood burning stove in Amanda’s stunning farmhouse renovation. Together with her family, Amanda split this property for two families to cohabit. The HUB room is their entertainment room where the fire is located and is the central focal point.
Read more about Amanda’s case study.
Follow our expert retailer’s Instagram account: @siberianstovesltd.
Jo’s dream village home is set in a small village in Derbyshire. Jo ripped out an old electric fire and replaced it with a Stovax View 5 wood burning stove. Having grown up in a farm and Jo and her husband have also wanted a log burner so the View stove was the perfect choice for them.
The interior of Jo’s home is a cross between Country house and a modern American farmhouse.
Read more about Jo’s case study.
If you would like to find out more about Jo’s home updates, please follow her Instagram account on: @ourvillagedreamhouse.
You can also follow our expert retailer’s Instagram account: Yorkshire Stoves & Fireplaces.
Please visit your local Stovax retailer for more information on the wood burning stoves featured in this blog.
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