The Stovax and Gazco blog keeps you updated with our latest special offers and promotions, new product releases, brochure updates and general advice and information on our stoves, fires and fireplaces.
In the second of our series of ‘Made Easy’ blogs, we’ll be explaining terms that will crop up before and during your fire or stove installation. These are all things that need to be considered, but we’ll explain some of the key areas and take away some of the mystery behind some of the topics you’re likely to come across.
If you’ve been using your stove this winter, you’ll doubtless have been on the receiving end of some wonderful hearth warming moments and enjoying some seriously good heat. Over the next few weeks, the time will be right to give your wood burning or multi-fuel stove a good maintenance check up. Here’s just some of our top tips to ensure you make the most of your wood burning stove’s downtime.
Despite their popularity, the wood burning lifestyle isn’t for everyone. So, what are your options if you prefer an easier way of life? If you’re unsure, choosing an electric stove or fire may well be the answer.
A wood burning stove can give a warm heart to your home, but sometimes, a property's hidden depths need to be uncovered. And what better way to breathe new life into a room than by reclaiming that chimney breast and installing an authentic classic fireplace.
With fuel costs rising across the board, it’s no wonder that people are opting to install a wood burning or multi-fuel stove in their home. Taking advantage of the lower cost of wood fuel, instead of relying on gas and electric, makes sense if it’s a viable option.
With the launch of the new Black Glass linings earlier this year, Gazco introduced a stunning, reflective alternative to the existing lining options for select gas fire ranges. Now, these striking linings are available for even more models!
A wood burning stove or fire can really make a room, giving it a wonderful focal point, a homely atmosphere and a sustainable and carbon neutral source of heating. But is it as environmentally friendly as it could be?
For many consumers, a wood burning stove or gas fire may not be a viable option for their home, aesthetically, practically or architecturally. The contemporary Riva Vision Electric stoves offer an alternative way to heat your living space.
For those looking for a modern traditional wood burning stove, look no further than the Nordpeis Bergen for a uniquely Scandinavian twist.
Stovax have created a wide range of inspired wood mantels to complement the large collection of wood burning & gas stoves, fires and fireplaces that are available.
The pinnacle of Danish design, Varde Ovne wood burning stoves, distributed by Stovax Limited in the UK and Republic of Ireland, combine not only contemporary aesthetics and quality materials, but also functionality.
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