It's reassuring to know that we are now half way through winter and for many it's a cold but bright sunny day. If your stock of logs is running low after a few months of using your wood burning stove or fire, you will be keen to replenish your store.
Although wood felled in winter has a lower moisture content compared to that felled in the spring or summer, you should still ensure it is below 20% to optimise burning in your wood burning stove or fire. If you have your own supply of wood, you will be keen to make good use of it throughout the year so it is worth investing in proper storage for logs and buying a ‘moisture metre’ to quickly and easily assess the suitability of a log before you put it on the fire.
If you do not have your own supply of wood, you will need to locate a trusted local resource. Hetas makes available a registry of Quality Assured Fuel stockists. Find yours by visiting their website.
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