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Gazco Logic™ HE Conventional Flue fire with Coal-effect fuel bed and Vogue front

Gazco Logic™ HE Conventional Flue fire with Coal-effect fuel bed and Vogue front

Gazco Logic™ HE Balanced flue fire with Log-effect fuel bed and Vogue front in Malmo Mantel with Marble Hearth

Gazco Logic™ HE Balanced flue fire with Log-effect fuel bed and Vogue front in Malmo Mantel with Marble Hearth

Gazco Logic™ HE Balanced flue fire with Log-effect fuel bed and Vogue Inset front with Slide Control

Gazco Logic™ HE Balanced flue fire with Log-effect fuel bed and Vogue Inset front with Slide Control

Gazco Logic™ HE Balanced flue fire with Coal-effect fuel bed and Vogue front

Gazco Logic™ HE Balanced flue fire with Coal-effect fuel bed and Vogue front

Vogue Inset Gas Fires

Available for the high efficiency Logic HE range, the Gazco Vogue front offers an inset stove aesthetic. Featuring a cast iron construction with stainless steel detailing, the front is compatible with Slide, Manual and Remote control Logic HE models.

Reviews and Customer Showcase
Stovax County 3 Multifuel Stove – “What a difference!”
Stovax Futura 5 Wood burning stove – “Fantastic addition to our home”
Carol and Majid, Nordpeis Quadro, Pannal Water Tower
Gazco Logic HE gas fire – “Cosy and Cost-Effective”
Stovax Riva2 50 woodburning fire – “My dream”
Lauren, Stockton 5 wood burning stove, 1800 terraced cottage
Gazco Logic HE Gas Fire – “Beautiful fire”
Stovax Sheraton 5, Warm & Cosy Nights
Gazco eReflex 195R Electric fire – “Dream come true”
Stovax Stockton 5 Woodburning Stove – “Cosy cat”
Gazco eStudio Cerreto 140 electric fire suite – “Contemporary and warming ambience”
Stovax County 5 wood burning stove – “Easy to use cosy stove”
Stovax Stockton 4 eco wood stove – “Ideal stove for a small space”
Thanks to our customers for sharing their new #Yeomanstove
How’s this for festive? Our Christmas tree & our @StovaxGazco Huntingdon 40 #STXMAS15
“Great Stove”
Gazco loft Gaz stove – “SUPERB LOG EFFECT FIRE”
“A winter delight”
“Warm and toasty winter”
FiftyPointEight opt for Stovax Vogue in stunning renovation of 1980s house
Gazco Loft Gas Fire – “A Warmer Lounge by Far”
Gazco Riva2 500HL Slimline Gas Fire – “Excellent Product”
“Amazing warmth and focal point”
Stovax Riva2 55 wood burning fire – “Makes My Home, Home”
Gazco Logic HE gas fire – “Very warm and cosy”
Stovax Huntingdon 30 wood burning stove – “No more winter blues”
Gazco Huntingdon 30 electric stove – “Amazingly Realistic for an Electric fire”
Stovax Studio 2 Freestanding wood burning fire – “A wide screen for a warm movie”
Stovax Stockton 5 wood burning stove – “Beautiful realistic electric fire”
Anna Jennings, Elegant Style, Stovax Vogue Medium

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