Wood burning stoves in Smoke Control Areas

Wood burning stoves in Smoke Control Areas

Stovax now has more models for wood burning in Smoke Control Areas than any other British manufacturer

Stovax now has more models for wood burning in Smoke Control Areas than any other British manufacturer.

Smoke Control Areas were implemented in most UK towns and cities following the Clean Air Acts. The legislation aimed to stop the ‘smogs’ of the 1950s and 1960s which resulted from the soot produced by domestic heating and industry. It gave local authorities powers to control emissions of smoke, dust and fumes and to declare Smoke Control Areas in which emissions of smoke from domestic properties are banned.

In the last year or two, with home owners looking to reduce fuel costs, their reliance on gas central heating and, indeed, the burning of fossil fuels/C0², wood burning has become almost as popular in urban areas as it is in the countryside. To allow such wood burning, however, a stove or fire must be granted exemption from the regulations by the government through DEFRA. Exemption is based on independent testing to ensure the appliance is clean burning.

Stovax now has more Smoke Control Area exempt models than any other manufacturer, thus giving home owners more choice of styles and sizes to suit their living space. View the complete range of Stovax Smoke Control Area-exempt wood burning stoves.

If you do not know whether you live in a smoke control area then you can check with your local council or visit www.uksmokecontrolareas.co.uk/locations.php.

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